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Client: Faith Church

Medium: Web



Our MISSION is to reach out to those who feel disconnected from God and/or the Christian community. We want to embrace every person, providing each of them with a warm and welcoming environment where they can be inspired by heartfelt worship and biblical teaching, and where they can be connected with a community of believers who will help them grow in their faith and relationships with God.


Our VISION is to see a world transformed by and through the love of God. We want to be a church body that is actively engaged in restoring and transforming the world one relationship at a time, by striving, on a daily basis, to have an impact in the lives of those around us. Our desire is that all people be reconciled with the God who loves them, and that as each person experiences his or her own transformation the world will move closer to becoming what God originally intended it to be.


Faith church is a bible-believing, outreach-oriented, community of believers committed to changing the world one relationship at a time.
From vibrant and heartfelt worship and solid biblical teaching, to thriving ministries and varied outreach opportunities, we are an active and dynamic community that provides families and individuals with diverse ways to connect in community and impact their world.

Founded in 1963 in South Holland, Indiana, Faith’s mission to build relationships inside and outside of the church resulted in a steady growth which, in 2002, precipitated a move to a larger building and campus in Dyer, Indiana.  Since the move, we have continued to expand our vision and reach by embracing a “one church, many campuses” philosophy and have happily grown to include eight different sites—six in Indiana, one in Illinois, and one in the Dominican Republic.

Our approach to ministry is consistent across all eight of our campuses, which means that whichever one you attend you can expect the same warm and welcoming environment, inspiring worship, and compelling and relevant teaching, all of it born from a desire that each and every person be transformed through a deepening of his or her relationship with God.

With our rich history, strong faith traditions, solid biblical foundation, and commitment to community, Faith Church is the perfect place to be inspired, get connected, and grow in your relationship with God. As part of the Reformed Church in America, Faith Church has its roots in the Reformed World View and believes scripture to be the inspired word of God and the final and ultimate authority for faith in practice. We believe that styles, preferences, and cultural inclinations are constantly shifting but that the Word of God remains the same forever.


We believe that people are created to be in RELATIONSHIP with God and with others. That’s why we place a particular emphasis on strengthening our community as well as reaching those outside of our congregation who might feel disconnected from God and from the church. We know that if we want to change the world we must build and deepen the relationships we have both inside and outside of our church family.

We intend to provide an experience through worship and teaching that is at once both profound and transcendent—an experience that gives individuals the INSPIRATION they need to become active participants in God’s mission to transform the world. 

At Faith Church, we believe that INTEGRITY means serving God to the best of our ability, and being faithful and trustworthy to do the things we say we will do while striving to be authentic to who God created us to be, and working hard to cultivate the gifts and talents He has given us.

Faith Church’s primary focus is on TRANSFORMATION through the power of God’s love. We want people’s lives to be fully transformed so that they can experience a deep relationship with their creator and His son, Jesus Christ, and live vital and meaningful lives in God’s service.


As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: ... whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 4:10-11

God has created each one of us to have unique gifts and talents. When we use those gifts to serve those around us, we become participants in God’s plan to transform the world. Lives are changed—not just the lives of those we help, but also our own — because when we do what God designed us to do, and when we love others the way God loves us, that’s when get closer to being who God intended us to be.